Monday, June 25, 2007

Read, Write, Web

If you have been following my blog on NECC 2007 then you remember me stating that I defiantly needed to find a topic or two and only focus on those topics. Otherwise I wouldn’t be able to get anything out of the conference because there are so many options. Well, I decided to focus on Web 2.0 and technology integration (especially on the lower elementary level).

Today’s Sessions
Concurrent Session 1: A Computer on Every Desk? Now What?
Concurrent Session 2: Hi Tech Kids
Concurrent Session 3: Cool Tools: Incorporating Web 2.0 Concurrent Session 4: Use Your Noodle - Learn Moodle!

Session 1: A Computer on Every Desk was presented by James (Jim) Gates. This was very informative because it combined both Web 2.0 and integration. He walked us through the steps that the PA governor is using to incorporate laptop programs successfully into all classrooms. I use the word all loosely because districts have the option to “buy” into the concept. Only a few district have chosen not to. He also introduced a few interesting Web 2.0 tools that they are using. (,,,)

Session 2: Hi Tech Kids: Integrating Technology in the Elementary Classroom was presented by Danielle Kalus. This session was a “model the lesson” session and I got to participate as a student and not just sit in the audience. It will be air on Georgia’s public television station so that teachers can see examples of 21st century best practices in the classroom. I am really excited about that. The participants explored self-directed learning centers incorporating technology into the Language Arts classroom. Participants engaged in an interactive discussion on how the technology was effectively incorporated to meet the standards. We also bounced ideas around with other professionals on how to successfully incorporate technology into any educational learning environment. I truly enjoyed this session and I am glad I was able to be a participant and not just an audience member.

Session 3: Cool Tools: Incorporating Web 2.0 in the Classroom was presented by Jennifer Ams. This session was lively and fun! It was a BYOL (bring your own laptop) and the presenter made every second interesting. She introduced several Web 2.0 tools and allowed the group to brain storm ways to use them in the classroom.

Session 4: Use Your Noodle - Learn presented by Michelle Moore. Moodle is a free course/learning management system. It is one of the most widely used open source materials used by educational institutions. You might wonder what “open source” is. Well, it is an application that is free and editable. Open source applications also allow the users to give to the community and receive from the community. It makes your “network” enormous.

Today was great and I was introduced to a wealth of new information. Tomorrow I present along with Mr. Winton & Mr. Anderson. Check back to see how that goes.

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